Senin, 26 Januari 2009

long time no see :D

hey udah lama banget gw ga update ni blog :D

mau nulis apaan ? gw ga da inspirasi :D eh lagi model yah nulis blog pake half english gt ? hehe gw ga bisa tuh grammar gw ancurrr ok dhe, hmm saking bingungnya gw jadi gj coba ?

eh eh gw iseng buat puisi pake english, setidaknya gw pake word nulisny jadi kalo ada grammatical error bakalan ada garis-garis merah kecil2 tuing2 hehe
and here comes the poem ...

i don’t know what the hell is happening in my mind, that’s make me dare to like him
please help me. i don’t want to be involved in deeply feel toward him
distances can’t make me forget him, maybe just god who have will to do that..
time can’t make me forget him, maybe even god don’t have will to do that..
but still, i know, i have been throwing myself into an impossible love dilemma
do you think that is pathetic ?
well, you haven’t heard the worst yet
i tried to forget him
but deep in my heart, i don’t want to
i try to keep my feeling inside my own heart
but it will make things worse
cause I know, it might explode and make me dare to do anything to be with him
what should i do then ?

well, lumayan kan ? haha stupidoo o ia ada lagi, gw lagi ngefansssss banget banget sama COLE SPROUSE, and u know what? im really happy when i figure out that cole's age its 2 years older than me :D haha i thought he's just 12 years old by now, he is so cutie and looks more younger than he really is ... eh, fyi cole sprouse casts as cody martin in tv series "the suite life of zack and cody" :D haha..

aduhh penting banget ga sih ?? sebenernya gw update ini karena didorong oleh petuah caroline dan frisca, dan hasilnya jadi ga jelas gini, haha kalo tu 2 orang ga baca aja yahhh. hmm, im going to kill them. haha

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